Using custom fields in your showcase
How to use Custom Fields in your Showcase
1. Navigate to the "Showcase" tab on the HQi menu and click on "Showcase List."

2. Pick the showcase you wish to change by clicking on the "Edit/Delete" button as shown below:

3. Next, click on "Custom Fields."

As shown below, you will see the list of fields that appear as details or descriptions of the showcase. This is just an example of what you can add on to your showcase.

Please note that you can add or edit the fields that you want to show here, by going to "Custom Fields" under the "Showcase" navigation.

Then you will see a list of the fields (below) where you can add or edit as needed.

4. Click "Save" when you are done filling in the fields.
Important Note
Before selecting "Save," please review your showcase to ensure the details are correct. Your new showcase will appear on your website after you hit "Save."

Choosing the "Cancel/Back" button at any stage will take you back to the Showcase main page and any changes made will not be saved.