Adding new items to your showcase
How to Add New Showcase
1. On the HQi menu, navigate to "HQi Premium Features" tab, then "Showcase" and click on "Showcase List."

2. Select the "Add New Showcase" button to add a new showcase.

3. Once you have added a new item to your showcase, the following fields will appear for you to fill out, as seen below:

- Showcase Name- Add the title/name of your new showcase. This has the capability to insert HTML into the text field, e.g., hyperlinks.
- Contact Names - Include the contact person of your new showcase.
- Street - Fill in the street name of your new showcase.
- Suburb - Insert the suburb of your new showcase.
- Country - Put the country of your new showcase.
- State - Identify the state of your new showcase.
- Post Code - Add the post code of your new showcase.
- Free Text Address - Include your free text address here. It has the capability to insert HTML into this text field, e.g., hyperlinks.
- Latitude and Longitude - You can provide the latitude and longitude of a location if you will add a map on your new showcase. You can use Google maps to get those figures.
- Phone - Insert a phone number for the contact person of your new showcase.
- Fax - If you still use fax, you can also add the fax number of the contact person.
- Email - Cite the contact person's email address of your new showcase.
- Website - Add the website of your new showcase.
- Showcase Category - The categories that will appear under this section will depend on what showcase you will have.
You can add or edit your Showcase Category by navigating to the "Showcase" tab and clicking on the "Showcase Category" tab.

Then you will see the below sample screenshot on how to add or edit the "Showcase Category."

4. Add the details to your selected fields, then click the "Save" button to post your new showcase to the website.
Important Note
Before hitting "Save", please review your new showcase to ensure the details are correct. Once you've selected the "Save" button, your new showcase will appear on your website.

Tapping the "Back" button at any stage will take you back to the "Showcase List" main page and any changes made, will not be saved.