Renaming a website page
Here's the tutorial video on how to rename a page:
1. Under "HQi Content Manager" tab, select "Add/Edit Pages." Find the section or page you wish to rename, then select the blue-cogwheel icon next to its name.

2. In the "Page Title" field, delete the existing page title and type in the new one. No changes are needed in the other fields.

3. Press the "Save" button.
4. You will see your changes immediately in the "Add/Edit Pages" screen and on your website navigation, as seen in the screenshot below.

5. To change the URL link, on the Edit Page window, click on Modify Page Link.

6. On the Edit Page Link window, click on the box below and enter the URL link that you want to have for the page. The words should be on lower case and separated by a dash per word (eg: change-your-link-here).

7. Click on the Save button to keep your changes.