Uploading Subscribers
Did you know you can upload contacts by bulk in HQi? It's easy.
We've even provided a spreadsheet template so you can add your subscribers conveniently. This spreadsheet is designed to have these required fields: “FirstName”, “LastName”, “Email” and “CompanyName”. For MobileCountryCode and MobileNumber fields, these are not required fields. See more details below and download the template here.
First, select the "Manage Subscribers" link under the "Email Subscribers" section and you will be directed to the page below.

Select “Bulk Upload Subscribers’’ to upload the spreadsheet.

On the "Excel file" section, you'll see the template set up for you to use. Download the template, populate it with your subscriber info and save it.
Please note, the system can only upload Excel files with this fixed set of column headings: “FirstName”, “LastName”, “Email” and “CompanyName”, MobileCountryCode and MobileNumber. This means that for a Company where the field "CompanyName" is populated, you will still need to add values on the other required fields.

When adding email addresses to the spreadsheet, please ensure there are no hyperlinks or spaces in the cells. If there is an error with your upload, you will be notified by HQi.
After you have created your spreadsheet, click the "Choose File" button to upload the file.
Then, tick the box where you want to subscribe your contacts, e.g., "ASX Announcements" or/and "Media Released and other news." (Note: Both options are set as a default.)
Finally, click the "Upload Subscribers" button and you're done. The job will now be sent to a queue where a back-end application will do the task. You will see all your tasks at the bottom of the page.