The security and privacy settings of these third-party companies require you to login again every 90 days. This means you’ll have to re-link Newsroom to your social media accounts when their security token expires.

If you try to publish news to a social media account where the security token has expired and you’ve been logged out, we’ll send you a friendly reminder email to re-establish the connection between the two services.

You can watch the video below to learn how to unregister your accounts.


Here are the step-by-step instructions if you'd prefer to follow these:

Unregistering Your Accounts

To unregister your account with IRM Newsroom, navigate to the "Settings" option under the "IRM Newsroom" module.


On the right-hand side, you will see the accounts you have linked to IRM Newsroom.


To unregister your account, LinkedIn for example, please select “Unregister LinkedIn” below the LinkedIn logo.


Next, a pop-up message will confirm if you want to unregister the account. Then just select "Yes".

And there you go. You have successfully unregistered your account. Click the links below to re-register the account.

Re-registering Your Social Media Accounts

For more information on how to set up these connections view the pages here:
